Frequently Asked Questions


If you do not own your own home and you have savings below the capital threshold, the Local Authority (LA) would pay for the fees under a Framework Agreement. Your local authority will make an assessment to determine as to what they will contribute to the cost of your care.


A self-funder is someone who pays the full cost of their care and support. As a self-funder, any contracts will be between you and the care home directly. If you are a self-funder, over the age of 65 and need additional support, you will be able to claim Attendance Allowance.
We advise you to speak with your council for a financial assessment to check if you qualify for any care home funding. However, you can choose to pay for your own care if you do not want a financial assessment.


If you would like to live in a different home than the one chosen by the LA, then you have the option for a third party to pay a ‘top-up’ fee. This is when somebody pays the difference between what the local authority has agreed to pay and the cost of the care home you choose. Most top-up fees are paid for by a third-party, usually a family member but sometimes a friend or charity. For more information, please contact your local Social Services department or visit

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